Why Not a Function #24: xml->map
(require '[goog.dom.xml :as xml])
(defn xml->map
[xml element-name]
(->> (xml/selectNodes (xml/loadXml xml) (str "//" element-name "/node()"))
(filter #(instance? js/Element %))
(mapcat (fn [e] [(.-tagName e) (.-textContent e)]))
(apply hash-map)))
Parsing XML in ClojureScript doesn’t have to be difficult. It all comes down to a specific requirement at hand, but Google Closure library is here very useful. The xml->map
function uses it to convert an XML element to a ClojureScript map. Each child element creates an entry in the map.
(xml->map "<basket><name>ball</name><colour>orange</colour></basket>"
=> {"colour" "orange", "name" "ball"}
Written on April 15, 2020