Why Not a Function #29: decimal-fmt
(import '[goog.i18n NumberFormat] '[goog.i18n.NumberFormat Format])
(defn decimal-fmt
([x] (decimal-fmt x 2))
([x digits] (decimal-fmt x digits digits))
([x min-digits max-digits]
(doto (NumberFormat. Format.DECIMAL)
(.setMinimumFractionDigits min-digits)
(.setMaximumFractionDigits max-digits))
is almost a reverse of parse-num from the previous blog. It is a ClojureScript wrapper around Google Closure’s NumberFormat allowing formatting of decimal numbers with rounding using a current Google Closure locale. We specify the number of decimal digits we want to include. Moreover, we can use a nice NumberFormat
feature which automatically selects minimum decimal digits required from a given range to represent our value.
(decimal-fmt 1.55555)
=> "1.56"
(decimal-fmt 1.55555 0 3)
=> "1.556"
(decimal-fmt 1.0 0 3)
=> "1"
Written on April 22, 2020